
A motivational speaker striving to improve the lives of people around me. Living a happy life and wish to spread the joy to as many.


Entertaing people with tongue-in-cheek humour and standup comedy shows, my favourite pastime.

Life Partnership

An ardent believer that while men are from Mars and women are from Venus, they come together and build a great partnership on Earth. In India, marriage is not just two individuals coming together, it is invariably two families coming together. With an awareness of gender differences and the willingness to invest love, trust and respect, an exemplary marriage is possible.

I, along with my life-partner Ramky, share our experience to enable young couples to not just fall in love but rise and grow in love and life. A super partner who wholeheartedly expresses joy in my success.

  • It's not how you begin your life that matters; It's how you go on to live your life to have a great finish that matters.

  • Desire a happy married life and believe you deserve it. Happiness will then flow through.

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